I-Ninja is a combat action-adventure title set in a small, earth-like planet somewhere in the realms of legend. The story unfolds across four unique islands and offers multiple styles of gameplay, including the ability to fight inside a giant robot. Fight with an arsenal of classic ninja weaponry like shurikens, swords, and blowguns, as well as powerful modern day weapons, including rocket launchers and guided missiles. Perform numerous acrobatic feats such as wall-running, rail grinding, swinging from a chain hook and more. Use your weapons and skills to defeat the evil villain Master O-Dor and his menacing army in a quest that spans five extensive environments.
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium 3 @ 800 MHz
Memory: 64 MB
Hard Drive: 1.15 GB Free
Video Memory: 32 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0b
Keyboard & Mouse
CD/DVD Rom Drive
Size: 1.6 GB
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