Commandos 3: Destination Berlin is the fourth installment of the critically acclaimed Commandos series. It is developed by Pyro Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. Gonzo Suárez, who wrote the previous installments, was not involved in this project, having left Pyro Studios. The game is the first in the series to use a true 3D engine, and the last to use real-time tactics before being converted to a first-person shooter genre.
Required System Commandos 3: Destination Berlin :
CPU Pentium III 700 MHz or equivalent
RAM 256 MB
Video Card 32 MB DirectX 9 compatible 3D Graphics card (nVidia GeForce or Ati Radeon Chipset)
Sound Card DirectX Compatible
Recommended System Commandos 3: Destination Berlin:
CPU Pentium IV 2.0 GHz or equivalent
RAM 512 MB
Video Card 128 MB GeForce 4ti or ATI Radeon 9xxx equivalent
Sound Card DirectX Compatible
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