he King of Fighters XIII (ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ XIII) is the thirteenth installment of The King of Fighters fighting game series developed and published by SNK Playmore. Released after The King of Fighters XII, this title significantly modifies the gameplay from its prequel, removing modes and adding ones that have been previously used in the series. It also expands the character roster, re-grouping the playable characters into three-member teams as in the previous installments. The game is set after the events from The King of Fighters XI and is also the conclusion of Ash Crimson's story arc, which started in The King of Fighters 2003. It follows another King of Fighters tournament secretly hosted by Those From the Past, the organization behind the events from the two previous games that are trying to break the seal of the demon Orochi and take its power.
Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP SP2 (3)
* Monitor: 640x480 (VGA), or 1280x720 (HDTV 720p)
* GPU: ATI Radeon (x1600Pro, x1300LE) or NVIDIA GeForce (7900GS, 7600GS, 7300GS)
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